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Health and Wellness Community Service Program

As GFWC WV Health and Wellness Chairman for this administration I am excited to help all club members to understand about your own health and wellness first, then concentrate on what you can do to improve the health and wellness of those around you and your communities in West Virginia.

Like playwright Tom Stoppard quoted, “A Healthy Attitude is Contagious But Don’t Wait To Catch It From Others. Be a Carrier!

The projects of club women impact our communities is such positive ways. Small changes can make big differences in children’s and adult’s lives. It is vitally important to recognize the needs of your community and plan your projects accordingly. 

Here are some ideas for your consideration:


Youth Mental Health – support a schools counseling center to provide encouraging posters, cards, and fliers emphasizing that students are valued, how they impact the community or how thankful we are they are here. Provide free brochures and shareable resources from the National Institute of Mental Health for students concerning body shaming, eating disorders and bullying. Small changes…..


Personal Wellness – Sign up or host a class on Mindfulness, Yoga, Chair Exercise for Seniors, or Water Aerobics. Take a walk, and take someone with you. Make it a group event. Small changes……
Prevention Advocacy – Host a Health Fair Screening event or a Blood Drive. Volunteer to sign “patients” in and provide refreshments while they wait to be screened. Get screened yourself!  Small changes…….
Provider Care Support – Write Thank You Cards to the pharmacist, nurses, custodians, and others in the health care system that have worked day in and day out to help keep us all well. Small changes……


Nutrition – Start a recipe of the month for your club and share a healthy, easy and yummy recipe at your club meetings. If your club has access to a kitchen facility, host a cooking class to teach how to make healthier meals. Participate in local Backpack Buddy programs to ensure children have food during the weekends. Small changes……


Emotional Support – Hold a forum on Caregiver support by inviting local caregivers to your club asking them to explain what you could do for them. Perhaps help them with errands, chores or other tasks, negotiate times to check on them, offer to give them a few hours off, and encourage them to seek mental health services if they get overwhelmed. Small changes……
Youth Fitness – 19.3% of the nation’s children aged 2-19 are considered obese. Two factors of this are poor nutrition and lack of physical exercise. Partner with a home improvement store and other organizations like the Boy Scouts and the Lion’s Club to provide or build playground equipment for a child shelter or special needs facility. Big changes…….


Senior Care – Visit local assisted living facilities and nursing homes. Coordinate with their activity personnel to help plant flower and vegetable gardens, providing them with watering cans, tools and plants. Go there on game night and help play Bingo or other games. Provide the snacks for that day. Provide lap robes, personal hygiene items, and plenty of greeting cards to these older folks. Small changes….. 

Please contact me if you have any questions, concerns or would like to share a great idea! 


Julie Perry, Chairman,

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