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Pearl S. Buck Birthplace  

Happy Birthday, Pearl S. Buck Birthplace and Museum! You're 50 Years Old! Thanks to GFWC WV for Making Sure this Landmark Exists!


This lovely 19th century home located in beautiful Pocahontas County is the birthplace of Pearl Sydenstricker Buck, the first American woman to be presented a Pulitzer Prize  in Literature (1932) as well as the Nobel Prize in Literature (1938). GFWC WV is one 
of the organizations that has continued to provide support and promotion of this home and museum listed on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places. Right now, the home is in need of funds to maintain it as well as funds to promote it. W


Who is Pearl S. Buck? Buck is a world-renowned prolific author who wrote over 100 books and short stories, many that focused on her time living in China as she introduced the outside world to the life of the Chinese people. Her writings have been translated into 69 languages. Pearl Buck is one of the greatest authors born in West Virginia.


Why Support Her Home? Pearl Buck was very proud of her birthplace. During her life, she visited many times and encouraged the home to be preserved, and she played a role in doing so. In her book, "My Mother's House" she shared her vision: "If it (the house) ever lives again, and God grant it may for my mother's memory, I hope it will live a new life, not for myself or for my family but for people.... For me it is a living heart in the country I knew was my own, but which was strange to me until I returned to the house where I was born. May it live again, and may it prove for others, too, a gateway to new thoughts and dreams and ways of life."

In honor of GFWC West Virginia’s 120th Anniversary, we will be focusing on helping in any way we can with the birthplace and museum.

Listed below are some examples:

  • Hold fundraisers and events to promote Pearl S. Buck and her birthplace

  • Promote Pearl S. Buck through becoming familiar with her writingsIntroduce school children to her works

  • Visit the home and museum

  • Send funds to the birthplace. The home's funds are very limited, and it maintains a one-person staff

  • Volunteer at the home

  • Purchase items from the Gift Shop and visit their Facebook page

  • Contact WV Independent Scholar, Phyllis Lubin-Taylor, Site Coordinator, at the home to present programs to your club

  • Become familiar with the Wish List by emailing Phyllis Attend or volunteer to assist with the "Lemonade, Lunch, and Loot Birthday Party" on August 10, 2024.

Ask a GFWC WV club or member, there are many ways we can assist with this project! To schedule a visit call 304-653-4430.

The physical address is: 8129 Seneca Trail, Hillsboro, WV 24946.

Send donations to Pearl S. Buck Foundation, PO Box 126, Hillsboro, WV 24946.


It is my pleasure to serve as your Pearl S. Buck Project Chairman. Please feel free to contact me at any 
time for additional information. I look forward to reading your reports describing the wonderful contributions you have made to this project.

In Service to GFWC,
Cindy Kolsun, Chairman, (All REPORTS COME TO ME)
Phyllis Lubin-Taylor, Site Coordinator and Co-Chairman, 720-443-7208,

Living the volunteer spirit

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